The PAI II is one of our premier shipwreck dives. The wreck is a 30 m long steel fishing trawler sunk by Bob Halsted about 30 years ago. The ship sits upright, placed diagonally across the slope with the deepest part at 35m. and the deck at 25m. The masts reach upwards to within 10 m. of the surface. If ever there was a case for using shipwrecks as artificial reefs this is it. The Wreck has developed as a PROLIFIC artificial reef. The Masts and upper works of the ship support lush coral growth and attract schools of reef fish. PAI II acts as a spawning and nursery habitat and during the breeding season is blanketed with clouds of juvenile fish.
BEST CONDITIONS: The mooring is well protected from the South East winds and swell. However, it can be a challenge to get there in rough conditions.
EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Beginner (the shallow reef slope is one of our favourite training sites) to Advanced. This site has something for everyone.
DEPTH RANGE 5m (reef slope > 35m.
FEATURES: Intact wreck with prolific fish life and abundant coral growth.
PHOTO CREDIT Gergana Batkova
MV NANAYO MARU (the ship's original name) was built in Hiroshima, Japan and launched in 1967. She served as a liquified natural gas carrier, operating between Japan, Taiwan, and Singapore. In 1972 the ship was renamed MV Pacific Gas and was put into service transporting LNG between Australia and PNG ports for the Boral Gas company. In 1980 the ship had reached the end of its useful life and was decommissioned. The LNG storage cylinders were removed and moved ashore where they were installed at the Boral Gas depot in Port Moresby.
After being decommissioned the ship stood at anchor in Port Moresby Harbour with an uncertain future when in 1986 the teen harbors board ordered its removal and disposal. Bob Halstead was able to negotiate the release of the ship to be prepared for sinking and towed to its current location and for its sinking.
DESCRIPTION Sitting upright on a sloping bottom. The bow is the shallowest point. Mooring is attached to the forward part of the ship.
BEST CONDITIONS Calm conditions & incoming tide
DEPTH RANGE 20meters > 45meters to the propeller
- Our largest and most impressive wreck.
- The anchor locker is the home of a large colony of flashlight fish.

The New Marine # 6 is another of the wrecks sung by Bob Halstead. It is a 30 m long fishing trawler similar to the PAI II. It lies in 18 m of water just off the fringing reef surrounding Lion Island. She was sunk in complete condition with all rigging intact, which is now collapsing due to advancing corrosion.
DESCRIPTION Like all wrecks in our area, this one has attracted a considerable population of Marine life. There is a resident school of needlefish, quite often a school of yellow tailed Fusiliers, and of course is a nursery for numerous juvenile fish. It is also a great place to see and photograph Lionfish. It is an easy wreck dive.
BEST CONDITIONS The mooring is very protected from both the south-east and north-west winds. Better visibility on an incoming tide. However, its inshore location means that the visibility there is rarely good.
EXPERIENCE LEVEL Beginner to Advanced. This site has something for everyone.
DEPTH RANGE 5m (reef slope > 18m.
FEATURES Intact wreck with good fish life close to reef wall. Great afternoon dive.
THE TUART is a small twin screw, harbor tug, once working Port Moresby harbor, and owned by Pacific Towing. When the tug reached the end of its useful life, it was then decided that she would join the growing collection of wrecks being placed in Bootless Bay by Bob Halstead.
The wreck is in complete condition, sitting upright on the fringing reef slope to the northern end of Lion Island. Bow up the slope and the still intact propellors downslope in 16 meters of water. Usually dived by defending the mooring line attached to the wreck. The small size of this wreck precludes any penetration, but most divers are content with the marine life on the wreck and the fringing reef close by.
BEST CONDITIONS Best dives during the north-west season as the site is well exposed during the dry season.
EXPERIENCE LEVEL Beginner. A great training site.
DEPTH RANGE 12m. > 16m on the wreck. Nearby fringing reef 5m. > 20m.
FEATURES Intact wreck. Look for Banded shrimp & leaf scorpionfish forward of the wheelhouse and masses of juvenile fish sheltering inside. Plentiful macrofauna on the nearby reef.